March 3
Today in class we were experiencing technical difficulties and had to switch to a different computer lab. Due to this fact, we had to switch computer labs and it took away from overall class time.
Remember networking is all about building relationships!
Group Presentations
Google Maniacs
Jact UP
Savvy Surfers
Search Engine Warriors group presentation was post-poned until Thursday March 5.
Class Discussions
- Remember networking is all about building relationships
How do you make that 2nd contact?
-Send them a simple informative email.
-Ask them for permission to ask questions about the company or set up a meeting. The purpose of
the meeting should be just to learn more about the company/contact.
We also discussed the rules of the wiki.
What Makes a Good Team?
- good communication
- every member participating at a good level
- utilizing each others strengths- some people have natural leadership skills.
- reliable members
- checking in with members to make sure project is complete
- taking ownership of overall quality
- handling problems amongst the members of the group through a process
- being open-minded to stuff people suggest.
- the ability to multi-task
- assign group roles, maybe appoint a group leader
March 5
Individual Presentations
Autoria Morrow presented on Bluetooth Proximity Marketing
Chris Lang presented on Mapping a New Mobile Internet
Group Presentation
Search Engine Warriors presented their second Interim Presentation on the Anderson Japanese Garden
The guest speaker Steve Topper provided great feedback on all of the presentations
Guest Speaker: Steve Topper
Marketing Director of EURO RSCG Discovery
Been in the business for 20 years
Differences between the common types of managers that are often confused with a project manager:
1. Account Manager- measures loss and also manages the client
2. Product Manager-builds product from beginning to end
3. Project Manager-wears many different hats
Some of the different hats of a project manager include:
project champion- The person that owns it. Your driving that project. Gets mad when date of project changes.
scope manager
communication manager- Communicate with the boss, project team, client, and other third party vendors.
integration manager- Conflict Resolution.
resource manager- Who is on the team? Are they working well? Is their a problem?
timeline manager- You have the base line. Projects can take longer than expected.
risk manager
project tracker- Just okays everything.
Project Management Triangle: The Three Constraints
1. Scope- What does it do? What does it not do?
2. Time line- 2 months vs. 12 months
3. Budget- How much to spend on a product or project
One effects the other two. Your always playing with the three of these.
Communication Management: Four Components
1. Upper Management
2. Project Team
3. Client
4. Vendors, Third Party Aggregators, etc.
All three components of the triangle are related indirectly. If the scope the project increases, then the budget will be spread over a larger area and decrease the budget for the project.
Important Advice in Your Career Search
-The whole economy can be flipped over in a dime, don’t be complacent.
-Keep talking to people and attending events.
-Participate in online and offline social networking.
-Get aggressive in the job market.
-Don’t burn your bridges.
-Think about the problem and come up with a potential solution, before approaching your boss.
-Sometimes you have to just take whatever job you can get.
-Regular time line may be somewhat different than the actual time line.
-“Be careful about success because it can sometimes hurt you.”
Clean Data
-Gain control of messy spots and clean them up
-Reformat data
-Get rid of bad records with blank names and addresses
Data could come from a few sources or many
-Gather data and remove redundancies.
-It’s scary how much data is actually out there.
*What ever you are spending money on, can be measured.
*Stat: older people seem to be more concerned about people having their information, younger people are less concerned about privacy issues.
Why are databases good?
• You are able to treat your customers better, if you know who they are
• Data centralization
• Cost savings in the long run
• Data optimization
Four stages to every project
1. Analyze
2. Design
3. Develop/Build
4. Launch
*The worst situation you could be in is when you think you have good data but it is actually bad data.
Ways to use databases
-Create Reports
-Campaign MGMT
-Provide data extracts
Three Ways Employers Measure Candidates
1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
2. Emotional Intelligence (EQ)- Can you calm people down? When I am talking to you, do you look like your paying attention? Do you look engaged in it or bored?
3. Social Intelligence (SQ)- Ex. Linkedin, Facebook
Job Selection Criteria
Whenever deciding on a job use the following to decide:
1. Money- How much does it pay
2. Career Fit- Something you like that will take you where you want to go
3. Lifestyle Fit- Ex. Is it too far, long of a drive to get that place
"In this economy take whatever job you can get, because you need a job."
Risk manager- The following below are the things that often cause problem:
-No champion
-Client not engaged
-"Software will solve the problem"
-Engagement at all levels
-Engagement by all parties
-Most of the work (and damage etc.)
You can decrease the following or not recommend them at all:
-Ease of use
You need at least one of these or at least all of them: methodology, product, industry, client
-Think like the customer
-What stake does earch party have etc?
-What are the top 3 means- 3 requirements that are the deal breakers