January 20
The second week of classes we were in lab 104 to create an email to request donations for the February 14 memorial fund. Before beginning the class, we were able to watch the historical moment of the presidential inauguration.
Exact Target
On Tuesday, we had about half an hour to begin working on ideas for the Exact Target email campaign. Each of us worked within our group to create our group name, generate a list of email addresses to use for our email campaign, and familiarize ourselves with using the Exact Target application.
January 22
Each group continued to work on their email campaign. Each email was created based on the e-mail techniques we learned in the first week of classes. Each group member agreed on a group name for each of the five groups in the class. By the end of the class period each group member had a rough draft of the email they were planning to send to each person on each group's e-mail list.