January 13
Lynn Hazen:Executive Recruiter
- Gave the class tips on how to compete and get jobs in a downward-moving economy.
- Job candidates need to have a unique positioning statement and 30-60 second 'elevator speech' of why a company should hire them.
- It is important for candidates to research the company they want to interview with.
- Job candidates also need to remain current on new technologies and industry advancements.
- There are three questions anyone must be able to answer in a job interview:
1.) What makes the candidate special?
2.) What makes them unique?
3.) Why should a company hire the candidate?
January 15
Team Formation
- Groups of 3-4 people
- Team names chosen and each team designated a "Wiki Representative" who will meet with other teams' Wiki Representatives to set ground rules for the class wiki.
- Other groups will also be contributing to the wiki.
- These teams are not just for the wiki but for other projects in the class like the exact target and Google Adwords challenge.
The class will also be doing an email campaign to raise funds for the February 14 memorial fund.
Exact Target
- This website will help us send emails and track the results.
To go along with the working on Exact Target, the class created a list of what makes "A Good Email Campaign."
*Relevant subject line-timely words.
*No wordy copy-keep it simple-no typos.
*Make sure there is a trustworthy email address.
*Opt-out option must be available and to make it better, make the email an opt-in.
*Bright engaging images-html messages get better responses.
*Include ratings and reviews of products or services.
*Make sure value is in the copy.
*Include links and a privacy policy. (Turn any images into links).
*Make sure contact info is easy to find. Include physical name and address.
*Personalization is always a plus.
*Use the Golden Rs-Relevant, Respect, Recipient control.
Bounce Rate: The emails that do not reach their destination.
Soft Bounce - The address does not exist.
Hard Bounce - There was a technical error when trying to send the email.
Unique click throughs: Of the people that opened the email, how many clicked on a link in the email.
*It can be influential to add several links around the email.
*Links within the "top of the body" of the email work better than in the "bottom of the body".