Today's guest speaker, Melissa Giovagnoli, Founder and CEO of Networlding, came in to speak to the class about the importance of building and maintaining networks (social, business, etc.)
Melissa has 4,000 direct contacts and many more indirect contacts.
*4 Stages to Brand*
1) Brand Awareness
(the business needs to know that you exist)
2) Brand Recognition
(need to show that there is relevance to their business)
3)Brand Ownership
(the business wants you there and wants you to become a part of their culture)
*continue to network
*just because you have a job doesn't mean you will necessarily stay at that job forever
*average person has about 7 jobs in their life
*Be unique and unusual!
*Networking is important even if you have a steady job!
*Join LinkedIn and join the groups on there - Join recent college graduates group, introduce yourself and put three of your best traits. She would like the class to join at least three new groups.
*Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn are three of the best networking sites, LinkedIn being the most important in her eyes.
*Facebook is used more for socializing, while LinkedIn is more for professional use.
*LinkedIn Statistics*
- grows by one million every 22 days
- average age using the site is 42
- first degree- contacts directly known to you
- second degree- contacts known by first degree contacts
Your network consists of your primary circle (up to 15 close friends)
and your secondary circle (many more people)
You can't maintain more than your primary circle at one time.
Your primary circle should consist of Peermentors, People that you can count on, for example, your boss, professors, and other mentors.
*You want different people in different areas and diverse backgrounds because its a good way to network and your most successful because you have diverse thoughts.
- Introduce yourself when you network, and make yourself seem unique. Say positive things your top 3 strengths and tell them you would like to keep in touch with them.
*LinkedIn Features that can get you a job
*1) Use the site like a Resume- Add current and previous jobs that you've had, educational experience, and your personal qualities
*2) Build your connections- Like Ms. Giovagnoli talked about. Build your circle of friends
*3) If you have a website, or a piece of work that can be linked to, add it to the page.
*4) Get Recommended- This is a great way to get someone to vouch for you or your work
*5) Join Groups- Ms. Giovagnoli also talked about this. Groups show your interests and help build your network.
*6) Add Applications- If you think it can add value to your profile, add it. (Blog Link, Files)
*Primary Circle
-10 people (Business world) Peer Mentors
-"Tipping point"
*We live in a networking world! Virtually everything is part of a network! Network examples include the television, internet, etc.
*When keeping in touch with someone you must ask them how often they would like to be contacted and how they would like to be contacted.
*When you first connect with someone, you should let them know you exist in a positive way and list your top 3 strengths. Give them your elevator pitch.
*When contacting the person a second time, make sure to offer something else besides the qualities you have. For example, if you run across an article that pertains to the person you are networking with go ahead and send it to them. This is one of the many ways people can keep in contact with others.
*Getting a job is a form of the Hidden Network- which means to network with a job before it is all over the newspaper or advertised to other people. So, you can get an advantag of knowing about the job first.