CRM and Data Panel Michael Fassnacht, Draftfcb Rich Hren, EuroRSCGKevin Gales, HSR Christopher Panek, Brookfield Zoo
Michael Fassnacht
Countries have different level of understanding of CRM and technology. Countries discussed: China, India, Russia, Europe, and U.S. From a CRM marketing perspective:
China: young country
India: marketing expert and growing
Russia: mid-level experience in CRM
Europe: mid-level experience in CRM
U.S.: advanced experience in CRM
It was found that self-segmentation works well. Through study and experience, each country will contribute to more advanced marketing. Future: marketing may be outsourced from the United States if we stay ahead of the curve.
Richard Hren
- Today, market is fragmented: marketers can measure fragments for better understanding and for advantage in marketplace
*Marketing analytics helps save the firm money by working with readily available information.
- Currency can be tracked through analytics.
- Many different mediums are available online for tracking: ip addresses, websites, web links, banner ads, etc.
Kevin Gales
Communications between B to B versus B to C vary tremendously.
Reaching the decision maker in a B to B environment requires more contacts and visits than a B to C interaction. In B to B, many decison makers are often times involved. Community also needs to be tracked in order to get a better understanding of the corporate culture. B to B interaction has an important niche to be filled.
Christopher Panek
Not all non-for profits can be the competition. The second best way to gain zoo memberships was through direct marketing. How does the product add value? is the question for direct marketers to answer. The most important goal in the non-for-profit sector is to build a relationship with the consumer.