Course Guidelines
- Post group assignments in File Exchange in Blackboard.
- Post individual assignments in Digital Dropbox in Blackboard.
- Don't use Dr. Zahay's lists to send emails in Exact Target.
- Presenters should arrive 15 minutes early to set up and learn any technology that they will need to use.
- No note cards are allowed when presenting.
- No typing or talking when Dr. Zahay, classmates or guests are talking or presenting.
Style Guidelines
- Website - one word (i.e. not web site).
- Title caps - in bolded headlines (i.e. 'Where To Find a Job') capitalize 'big' words.
- Bulleted lists - use bulleted list button, not '-' and return.
- Spelling - Check it! Seven misspellings on page I worked on earlier.
- No capitalized words in the middle of a sentence unless it is a title.
- Try to use third person, not second person (i.e. "the project requires" instead of "our project").
Wiki Guidelines
- Each team will be assigned a topic and a class day. The team is responsible for creating the topic page and entry for that day in the week by week section. Teams have 24 hours to create the page. In that time, NO OTHER TEAM may create that page. If the designated team does not create the page within 24 hours, any team may create it.
- No pages may be created during class time.
- Entries need to be proofed. Spelling and grammar errors are discouraged. Please write your entry in Word first if necessary.
- All edits need a concise description of what was done (use the "Short description of changes:" box).
- If you are making a minor edit (less than a sentence, i.e. fixed comma, number, etc), put "minor" in the description field of changes.
- Also follow style guidelines on front page.
- Remember: Karma (green bars) is only a rough estimate of activity, you will also be graded on individual activity.
page revision: 7, last edited: 19 Mar 2009 18:05